ICM course 5/9

Today's course taught us how to do web programming using P5.js code.It was very interesting! We learned basic commands for creating canvases and shapes.I also created some fun interactive features and drew many interesting patterns.You can check them out at this link: https://editor.p5js.org/Barry-zong/sketches/ytCNA3GX-.



function setup() {  createCanvas(600, 900);  background(4);  /* !!Paint on the canvas!! */}function draw() {  //background drawn  fill(191, 255, 251);  circle(mouseX, mouseY, random(55));  //circle(900 - mouseY, 600 - mouseX, random(35));  fill(12, 80, 87);  circle(600 - mouseX, 900 - mouseY, random(55));  //center self  fill(191, 255, 251);  ellipse(200, 430, 50, 80);  ellipse(400, 430, 50, 80);  rectMode(CENTER);  rect(300, 430, 200, 200);  fill(12, 80, 87);  ellipseMode(CENTER);  ellipse(247, 330, 150, 70);  ellipse(365, 330, 120, 70);  fill(0);  line(200, 400, 400, 400);  fill(255);  ellipse(300, 410, 95, 80);  fill(3);  ellipse(300, 410, 30, 30);  fill(200, 0, 0);  ellipse(300, 490, 30, 45);}